Ordinary Faithfulness – Micah’s Ministry Newsletter #41

Dear friends, With spring in full bloom, this past month has felt alive with possibility – and with work! Exhilaration and exhaustion alternate as I seek to be faithful in my ministry with Capitol Hill Friendsand to get equipped for my work within a grassroots movement for economic justice. While there are many challenges, the …

Richmond, Philadelphia and DC – Micah’s Ministry Newsletter #28

Dear Friends of Truth, Since the fall, I have felt led to focus most of my energy and attention on the work here in DC. This has involved getting more deeply involved in nurturing Capitol Hill Friends, as well as participating in other ministry here in the city, such as Food Not Bombs in Congress …

Micah’s Ministry Newsletter #17 – Growing Roots in the City and in the Soul

Dear Children of the Day, Greetings in the love of Christ. The last month has been full of work and blessings, and there is much to report. After being able to spend some weeks at home in DC, travel has reemerged as a signature feature of my life and work. In the months ahead, my …