Discernment and Service – Micah’s Ministry Newsletter #27

Dear Friends, The last month has felt very full: of work, possibility, discernment and, ultimately, waiting. Early in the month, Faith and I traveled to Barnesville, Ohio to attend Stillwater Quarterly Meeting, of which Rockingham is a constituent Monthly Meeting. Our time together was quite eventful. To begin with, Keystone Meeting announced their appointment of …

2010: Challenges, Growth and New Life – Micah’s Ministry Newsletter #26

Dear beloved friends, Blessings on you as we observe the transition from one year to another. It has been a good and challenging year, one in which I have been blessed to grow closer to the Lord and to my brothers and sisters in Christ. This has been a year of deep growth for me …

Nurturing a Movement at Home and Abroad – Micah’s Ministry Newsletter #25

Dear Friends of Jesus, Greetings from Capitol Hill, where we are still enjoying relatively high temperatures despite being at the end of November. My father, who was here with us for the Thanksgiving break, commented many times on how mild our weather was, and I feel grateful that we have not yet begun to get …

New Membership, Growth on Capitol Hill, and Missional Faith–Micah’s Ministry Newsletter #24

Dear Friends of Jesus, As the month of October draws to a close, and the daylight hours grow ever shorter, we here in Washington, DC are seeing autumn at its apex. The trees are in the final throes of their changes of color; soon they will be entirely bare. Winter is coming. During this time …

Emerging Leaders in FUM and New Life In DC – Micah’s Ministry Newsletter #23

Dear Children of Light, This past month has been one of transition. As summer fades into fall, I have begun to shift my lifestyle to focus my energies on the ministry that God has called me to here in Washington, DC. This past year, I was primarily focused on the world beyond Washington, DC; I …

Micah’s Ministry Newsletter #22 – Quaker Youth Pilgrimage 2010

Dear Friends, I survived. With God’s help, and grateful for all the prayers that have been sent my direction, I have emerged from a full month with twenty-eight high-school-aged young Friends and three other adult leaders with mind, body an d spirit mostly intact. Overall, my experience with the Quaker Youth Pilgrimage was a very …

Micah’s Ministry Newsletter #21 – Setting off on the Quaker Youth Pilgrimage

Dear Friends of Truth, I write to you from Seattle, Washington, as I await the other leaders for the Quaker Youth Pilgrimage (QYP). The Pilgrimage will bring together around twenty-five Quaker youth, between the ages of sixteen and eighteen, from across North America and Europe. Together with me and three other adult leaders, we will …