Summer Travels – Micah’s Ministry Newsletter #33

Dear Children of the Day, Things have been moving along at a steady pace since I returned from my travels in the UK and East Africa. Each of my weekends have been very full – hosting our Quarterly Meeting, visiting Friends in North Carolina and Philadelphia, and receiving visitors from Rockingham Meeting and Wichita, Kansas. …

Encountering the Face of Christ in Africa – Micah’s Ministry Newsletter #32

Dear Children of Light, Air travel is an amazing thing, and it took me only about forty-eight hours to get from Gisenyi, Rwanda back to my home in Washington, DC. The ride from Gisenyi to Kigali, and the flights from Kigali to Nairobi to London to Washington were very tiring, however. By the time I …

The Spirit is Moving!–Micah’s Ministry Newsletter #31

Dear Friends of Truth, This month has been one of optimism for me and Friends on Capitol Hill, as we prepare for a busy summer. For some years now, summer has been a time of intense travel, visitation among different Friends bodies, changes in routine, and transitions in lifestyle. Above all, summer for me has …

Dawn Out Of Darkness – Micah’s Ministry Newsletter #29

Dear Friends, I have been laid very low in the last month, both spiritually and physically. It feels like the challenges really began with my trip to Philadelphia in mid-February. While my visit there was blessed and productive in many ways, I also faced a lot of spiritual barriers and struggles during my time in …

Richmond, Philadelphia and DC – Micah’s Ministry Newsletter #28

Dear Friends of Truth, Since the fall, I have felt led to focus most of my energy and attention on the work here in DC. This has involved getting more deeply involved in nurturing Capitol Hill Friends, as well as participating in other ministry here in the city, such as Food Not Bombs in Congress …