Ordinary Faithfulness – Micah’s Ministry Newsletter #41

Dear friends, With spring in full bloom, this past month has felt alive with possibility – and with work! Exhilaration and exhaustion alternate as I seek to be faithful in my ministry with Capitol Hill Friendsand to get equipped for my work within a grassroots movement for economic justice. While there are many challenges, the …

Occupying the Church (and a New Home) – Micah’s Ministry Newsletter #39

Dear friends, This has been the month of the big move. Faith and I, after years of living together at the William Penn House, took up residence in our new home, four miles directly east on East Capitol Street. Things are very different now. Before, we lived together in a single room, shared a bathroom …

2011 in Review – Micah’s Ministry Newsletter #38

Dear friends, This has been a year of major transition and growth for me. Some of the change has been personal – such as my involvement in the Occupy movement, and Faith’s and my decision to purchase a house in DC. Other change has been more corporate, such as the increasing maturation of Capitol Hill …

Deepening and Growing Roots – Micah’s Ministry Newsletter #37

Dear friends, Last month, it felt like my life was about to explode with the intensity of my involvement in Occupy DC. This month, I have been intentional about taking a step back from the Occupation, no longer spending most of my time out at the encampment. Yet, the feverish pace of my life has …

Occupying My Life – Micah’s Ministry Newsletter #36

Dear friends in Truth, This month, I have been deeply involved in the Occupy movement here in Washington, DC. We launched Occupy DC at the beginning of October, and the following month has been one of strengthening, developing, and seeking to unify the movement into an effective force for change. My role in this process …

Occupying Wall Street and K Street – Micah’s Ministry Newsletter #35

Dear friends in the Truth, This month has been surprising for so many of us. The emergence of the Occupy Wall Street movement in mid-September has set a chain of events in motion that is impacting our public discourse in ways that we are only just beginning to understand. This movement has already deeply affected …