What Happens When Radicals Fall in Love?

Being a radical has never presented much of a challenge for me. Even as a little kid, I asked hard questions. Took no prisoners. Questioned authority. A radical stance always came natural. Very young, I developed an addiction to anger. I raged for every righteous cause. I still do. Fury and righteous indignation are so easy. Just …

Pope Francis

Why Pope Francis’ Climate Encyclical Matters

Pope Francis’ ecological encyclical comes out today, and there are many reasons for hope. It’s encouraging to see a such a high-profile Christian leader taking a strong stand on both ecological issues and those of global poverty. I’m grateful for the way F is intertwining care for the earth and social justice, a message which draws deeply from and amplifies …

Black Students Integrate Little Rock's Central High School

Thug is the new N-Word

There are certain words you’re not allowed to say on TV. And there’s at least one that we white people aren’t allowed to say at all, ever. Unless you want everyone to know for sure you’re a bigot. This is the word of lynchings and bombed out black churches. It’s the word invoked over centuries of castrations, rapes, …

Why Jesus is Anti-Capitalist

The kingdom of God isn’t what you think. It isn’t at all compatible with the lifestyle that most of us are living. It’s not just about thinking the right thoughts or feeling the right feelings; it involves a total life change – including our economics. The way of Jesus is dangerous, because the kingdom of God and the wealth-driven, capitalist system we live in simply …