God Beyond the Crisis

I’ve heard it said that there are no atheists in foxholes. Whether or not that expression is literally true, I take this to mean that, in the face of imminent death, everybody wants something to hold onto. Even those who have a philosophical aversion to the idea of God may catch themselves in a moment of crisis …

I Want It Now!

One of my favorite childhood movies is Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. (The 1971 version, not that Johnny Depp nonsense.) I love the film on a variety of levels, from its silliness and imaginative flair, to the way it not-so-subtly critiques the evils of greed, consumerism, narcissism and arrogance. Over the course of the …

The Power To Trust

It’s easy to underestimate the value of trust in my daily life. For example, I generally feel secure in the quality of the food I buy. This relieves me from a huge amount of worry and second-guessing when I sit down for a meal. I trust that those who produce and package my food take …

Idols and the I AM

I am fascinated by the often dysfunctional relationship between God and Israel. In Exodus, God appears, seemingly out of nowhere, and provides the Hebrew people with a hope and a future. For reasons known only to God, the Lord chooses an insignificant group of Egyptian slaves and promises to guide them to freedom, peace and …