Is Jesus Green?

Care for the earth is a central concern for me. I believe that climate change may prove to be one of the greatest challenges that humanity has ever faced. I feel deeply convicted about humanity’s role in exploiting and abusing God’s creatures. The magnitude of the ecological crisis causes me to reflect on what my …

Mike Pence Defends RFRA

Hey, Indiana: Religious Freedom Isn’t Free

The news is full of debate around Indiana’s new law, the Religious Freedom and Restoration Act, which many say would allow outright discrimination against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) individuals. Just like last year’s Supreme Court decision that allowed Hobby Lobby to deny birth control coverage to its employees on religious grounds, this newly passed law represents a growing …

God Won’t Destroy the Earth – But We Might

Humanity is on a collision course with basic physical reality. For hundreds of years, we’ve operated as if the natural world were merely a source of raw materials for our ambitions and prosperity. But God’s creation is neither infinite nor meant to be casually exploited by human beings. Our way of life is unsustainable, and …

Are You Patient Enough for the Revolution?

We live in a fast food culture. We want it easy. We want it hot. We want it now. Whether you’re working for a non-profit or a big corporation, the mantra is likely the same: What have you produced this week, this month, this quarter? This culture demands instant results that can be measured in simple charts and graphs. Show …

The Great Evangelical Break-Up

TL;DR: Post-Evangelicals are one of the most important religious groups that are shaping America today. In many ways, I wish I was one, because I’d like to take part in the conversation. In this piece, I explain my experience as a child of some very early post-Evangelicals who got pushed out of the Evangelical Quaker …

Un-Stuck America

Last winter, I was spinning my wheels. Literally. Our little ’97 Toyota Corolla was trapped in an ice-covered ditch, just outside our house in Washington, DC. No matter how I tried to time it, I just couldn’t get traction; all four wheels spun uselessly on the ice. I was stuck, and I had no idea …