Becoming Friends of Jesus – Micah’s Ministry Newsletter #56

Dear friends, Here in Washington, DC, August is a slow time. Historically, before the advent of air conditioned homes and office buildings, the heat and humidity of DC summers meant that very little business could get done. Rather than sweat it out, Congress took a recess, and most every government agency virtually shut down for …

Blessed, And Thankful – Micah’s Ministry Newsletter #55

Dear friends, Here in DC, we’ve entered into the most blisteringly hot days of summer, with daily temperatures in the nineties and our city’s trademark humidity intensifying the effect. Imagine our delight when Faith and I arrived home yesterday afternoon to find our house sickly warm, with the thermostat reading system malfunction! At present, I’m …

Time To Celebrate

This Fourth of July, I rode my bicycle across the Anacostia river to Capitol Hill, where I met up with some friends and enjoyed a rooftop view of the fireworks on the National Mall. DC’s Fourth of July display is always impressive and beautiful. There’s something special about the way the the Washington Monument and …

Unleashing Our Spiritual Gifts – Micah’s Ministry Newsletter #54

Dear friends, This past month has been very full! I’ve visited friends in Philadelphia, and family and friends in Kansas, on top of my usual work routine. I have also felt called into an increasingly intense schedule of visitation with individuals and families here in the DC area. I have often been tired lately, but …

Are You Lonely?

I recently read a post by Suzannah Paul, in which she reflects on her own experience of living in a culture of isolation. She describes the present era as one in which our common experience is intense loneliness, where genuine community seems always out of reach. Of course, most of us have become quite adept …

Learning to Shine

Gathered in the heart of the capital of the greatest empire the world has ever known, Capitol Hill Friends is a community rooted in a unique time and place in history. Many of us work for governments, non-profits, and other institutions that seek to influence the course of national and international events. All of us live within …