
One of the pillars of Christian monasticism is the vow of stability. In the monastic context, vowed stability means making a commitment to remain in a particular, geographically rooted monastic community until death. The purpose of such stability is to remove any escape route from the process of inward conversion that the monastics have committed …

Dawn Out Of Darkness – Micah’s Ministry Newsletter #29

Dear Friends, I have been laid very low in the last month, both spiritually and physically. It feels like the challenges really began with my trip to Philadelphia in mid-February. While my visit there was blessed and productive in many ways, I also faced a lot of spiritual barriers and struggles during my time in …

Discernment and Service – Micah’s Ministry Newsletter #27

Dear Friends, The last month has felt very full: of work, possibility, discernment and, ultimately, waiting. Early in the month, Faith and I traveled to Barnesville, Ohio to attend Stillwater Quarterly Meeting, of which Rockingham is a constituent Monthly Meeting. Our time together was quite eventful. To begin with, Keystone Meeting announced their appointment of …